But I have got pets?

Having pets and looking after your lawn can be tough… But here at North Hampshire Lawn Treatments, we pride ourselves on making your lawn look stunning. If you have a pet, we will always advise you to keep pets off the lawn 1 hour after your treatment for our treatments to work effectively.

Here are some ways you can keep your lawn happy, and your pets happy:


As a dog owner, you may very well notice some large dead patches in your lawn. This is because some dogs tend to urinate in the same places, because of this, you might notice the grass growing really quickly, but ultimately, your grass being killed off. There are a few ways you can combat this:

  • After your dog has urinated, wash your lawn with water, to water down the urine concentrate.

  • Take your dog on a morning walk, this is when their urine is at its strongest, so keeping them off you lawn and taking them on a walk will help your lawn.

  • Add foods like tomato ketchup or natural yoghurt to your dogs diet. It sounds strange, but this can actually help neutralise your dogs urine, keeping your grass happy and healthy.

  • Keep your dog from urinating in the same spot every time.

  • If your dog won’t stop urinating in the same place, maybe try adding mulch to the back of your garden to give your dog a personalised space to urinate, ultimately saving your lawn!


Cats tend to go to the toilet in other people’s gardens. So, many of us will deal with our neighbours cats urinating in our garden! There are quite a few ways to deter cats away from our lawns, keeping them fresh and green.

  • Orange peels around your garden can help deter cats away as they do not like the smell.

  • You can place CD’s on your fence or around flower bed borders as the light reflections will steer clear cats of ruining your lawn.

The good thing about cats however, is they tend to dig holes around the borders of your garden to urinate, so they most likely leave your lawn alone. But following the steps above should stop cats from entering your garden.

Are you having problems with your pets ruining your lawn, if yes, please fill out the contact form below, we are happy to help!


Caring for the wildlife


Stripes on your lawn