January lawns

This time of year is an ideal time to take your mowers in to be serviced and the blades sharpened for the year ahead.

Mowers in good working order with sharp blades is a must before you start the new lawn growing season ahead.

The main job throughout winter is to ensure leaves, toys or debris stay off the lawn, this allows the limited daylight hours direct access to the grass blades. Keeping your lawn regularly raked, brushed will clear any worm casts that naturally form especially in wet weather.

Using a professional winter lawn fertiliser ensures the grass root system is fed correctly with vital nutrients needed throughout the cold temperatures.

Try not to walk on the lawn when it is frosty. This will crush the grass blades and result in them going a dark colour, leaving foot print indents and ultimately causing damage which will not be able to repair until spring arrives!

How to Improve Lawn Drainage:

  • Watch out for any puddles of water appearing after heavy rain fall or when snow is thawing! To disperse the excess water spike the affected areas with a hand fork.

  • Lawns on heavy clay or compacted soil can easily become waterlogged at this time of year!

  • Hollow tine Aeration helps to de compact the ground by pulling out tines of soil from the ground, leaving holes which helps the lawn breath allowing daylight, nutrients and rainfall in deeper.

This encourages the grass roots to thicken and become stronger which then helps a healthy lawn to flourish. We advise to aerate your lawn on a yearly basis; this helps stay in control of any compaction issues. Persistent flooding and severe drainage issues would need addressing by professionally installing a soak away.

Do you need more advice on looking after your lawn in January? Fill out the contact form below, we are happy to help.


Frosty lawns


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