What to do with fallen leaves?

Autumn leaves are so beautiful aren’t they? The colours are amazing however fallen leaves could damage your lawn.

The grass needs sunlight and when leaves have fallen on your lawn, they will start to suffocate the grass, ultimately killing it if you do not remove them off the lawn.

Here is a list of ideas of how to get creative with your fallen leaves:

  • Craft! It is a fun, and great way on removing the leaves off your lawn. If you have children or grandchildren, I’m certain they will love this idea too!

  • Make compost - Fallen Autumn leaves are a great way of adding brown into your compost heap. Make sure they are turned once a month though- to let the leaves oxygenate.

  • Bag them. You can use leaves bagged as insulators.

If you require more information, please fill out the contact form below, we are happy to help!


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